Day 9 – Losing Some Momentum

26 Feb

Today was the first time since I’ve been back on Weight Watchers that I wanted desperately to not be on it.  It was a day where I was sick of counting points, sick of monitoring and being aware of everything I ate.  Where I just wanted to run out and get some greasy fast food.  Terrible – I know.

If there’s any silver lining, it’s that I didn’t do it.  I didn’t cave.  Sure, I went through all my points for the day.  But I didn’t go over.  I still have 49 extra points for the week and 7 activity points that I could use.  But I won’t.

Much snacking was done, but I’ll save the boring-ness of sharing each and every thing I nibbled on.  Here are the three big meals:

Breakfast: None, again.  I have to stop doing this!

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Swedish Meatballs (7 points)

Dinner: Large Salad (9 points)

Clearly I did A LOT of nibbling through the day.  My big meals totaled 16 points which left me with 27 points for snacking.

Oh well, Wednesday is a new day and I hope to be better.  My goal is to be under 300 pounds come Sunday’s weigh in.


2 Responses to “Day 9 – Losing Some Momentum”

  1. JuniperLeigh February 27, 2013 at 7:12 pm #

    You can do it!!!! 😀

    • weightlossgal February 27, 2013 at 11:11 pm #

      Thank you so much … I hope you’re right!

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